THIS, the Source

From where do thoughts arise? if the Source of thoughts is known, intuitively understood, the seeking ends. The activity that is refered to as thought or feeling appears out of and within non-action and is witnessed by this non-action. This non-action is their Source. Regardless of what the content of this that we call mind is it is always witnessed by this which it appears out of and within, the Source, No-mind.

When thoughts or feelings appear they are recognized by you , this “you” is the non-action that brings them into play and within which they appear temporarily and within which they again dissolve, leaving behind Nothing , the Source. You are the source of these temporary activities, you are permanent, unchanging Awareness.
There is not one human being on this planet that is not familiar with thoughts and feelings, there is therefore not one human being that is not familair with the Source of these activities. The Source is familiar to all, more familiar than the activities that arise within it for they come and go but their Source is everpresent.
If the Source arises as the activity of seeking it seeks itself as an activity, a thing, a thought or feeling, an experience, but as it itself is not these temporary appearances these then do not satisfy and do not bring an end to the seeking. After giving attention to these activities again and again over time, and finding them lacking, a disbelief in experiences holding the answer that is being sought sets in. This then leads to seeing what is present prior to the activity arising. It is also seen that this is present during and after the action, it is then recognized to be everpresent. This then begins to hold the attention on itself naturally, without any effort or method of any kind.
When this is seen it is self evident that this is what was being sought, this itself was what was all along seeking itself as a something, an activity, an experience and in the process bringing those activities into play. This that is forever present, the Eternal Awareness that has always been the witness of everything, is what one is, was and therefore always shall be. Totally familiar, ordinary, nothing special, I.
One is always this, this is all that there is, Nothing giving rise to the temporary appearance of everything which is no other than its own activity.
Now forget these words and allow the attention to be present on this that is witnessing the activity of thought and feeling. THIS is I, this is what has been sought, this is what has been seeking itself and this is what you are.

In Love and laughter


What it is shared here is a completely radical and uncompromising message. It has no prescriptions and does not suggest anything to do at all. It does not ask you to be a particular way, but rather that you are not required to be at all.

It speaks about what has always been present and is right now but it was and is completely overlooked. It tries to describe a paradox.

When we are born the sense of separation between the body and whatever surrounds it is not present, then after a few years the identity arises and everyone around you will confirm to you that you are a real person, with free will and choice, that you have to work hard to become worthy, satisfied… you have to make your life work. A feeling of contraction is present and it becomes the centre by which all thoughts, emotions and actions seems to arise from.You are now someone and life is happening to you, you have to defend yourself with threats, you seek pleasure and avoid pain. You really believe that you can do all of these things. We become seekers, looking for something that can fullfill a subtle dissatisfaction, a subtle but deep sense of lack. What this message describes is that the belief of having an identity, a separate me amongst separate others in a separate world is an illusion. There is no one and there never was. Everything just happens and there is no one ever in control of anything.

There is no one right now reading this even if something there is strongly convinced that this is not the case. There is just THIS and it is NOTHING appearing as THIS. This cannot be understood or grasped by the me, but something can resonate there as this is the real nature of what is. In THIS ALL-NESS everything can arise, even the sense that separation is real, and that sense can fall away. There is no need or cause for that to happen. The illusion can remain until death or it can collapse right now.
When this is seen (by no-one) it becomes clear that what we were longing for all along has never gone away. There is just everything and nothing. THIS is pure joy, love and freedom.

Emotions, thoughts, feelings can still arise then in This, but they are not owned by a separate someone. There is no personal suffering any-more, there is just a flow of energy.
The seeing of THIS is not an experience that you can make happen by doing, because in this seeing you won’t be there. THIS does not belong to anyone.

The seeing of THIS, the so called awakening, liberation or enlightenment, can or cannot happen. There is no direction or purpose in LIFE. There is no-one there that can do anything about it. Even when an imagined you feels hopeless and helpless there is only hopelessness and helplessness happening.