Love never insists

There is’nt anything you can do, you cannot go against this awakening and you cannot accelerate it. Questions arise because  somewhere on the intuitive level the mind knows that something is happening of which it itself is not in control. The mind cannot ever produce silence, the mind is product of silence and therefore cannot… Continue reading Love never insists

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The Way Home

Having read what you have to say about your childhood I can say that it is very similar to my own past experience as a child. I too had to watch my mother do things, mainly to myself, that were beyond the normal chastisement towards a child. From my own experience and also from what… Continue reading The Way Home

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The delight of Life is surprise, what would life be if one revealed the future all the time before it took place? Would it be worth living? Everything that happens to us happens, just happens, it cannot be made to happen and it cannot be made to not happen, it is in the pipeline. There… Continue reading Surprise

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Free falling

How one enters into any new situation in one’s life is the deciding factor of how one passes through that situation. How one passes through it is what decides the outcome and the further unfolding in ones outer life. If fear is present as one approaches this new situation it is this fear that will… Continue reading Free falling

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The Master Dreamer

In the Toltec tradition a human being is born into the dream of another human being who has reached a point of intuitive understanding that has given them the ability to redream the world. This one who has this ability is known as the Master Dreamer. Such a one rearranges the dream of Life in… Continue reading The Master Dreamer

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The helper

What becomes clear after a period of the conscious seeking taking place is that the ego mind always wants to do the job of helping to reach enlightenment. This is its strategy for maintaining its image of itself as the doer or controller of what is simply happening. Any form of meditation that holds an… Continue reading The helper

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BE your Self

For 99% of our lifetime 99% of the people we meet tell us how we SHOULD be and how wrong we are. There comes a moment when a quiet small voice inside says ENOUGH I AM ME, MYSELF! I cannot be otherwise! From that moment the maths changes ….. the people we meet begin to… Continue reading BE your Self

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None to enlighten

In the taking up and the following of a so-called spiritual path the illusion from the very beginning is that there is an entity, a someone, within the body/mind that is seeking enlightenment. This illusion is not at all true, it is an illusion, there is no such someone. It is but is an assumption… Continue reading None to enlighten

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Me + You = One

What does Life actually consist of? I am not talking about our so-called private, personal lives but Life as a whole. In order for you or I to experience Life there  must be two things present, an experience and an experience-er. Regardless of what is experienced, negative or positive, these apparent two things have to… Continue reading Me + You = One

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Feeling the fear

There is nothing wrong with being afraid but if we give into it we desensitise the body and suffer. Fear can be used to enliven the body and bring focus to the mind, when this is clear we can welcome it in the knowledge that we benefit from it. We are in very strange times… Continue reading Feeling the fear

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