
Take a look around, the world is going crazy. If you are not seeing this then read no further and go back to sleep. If this is beginning to hit you then maybe you are ready to read this. We are entering a very strange time now in human history, in fact we are at… Continue reading Seeing

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The claiming

When there is thinking of a future or past moment, as in planning or remembering, there is conceptualising. All attention is on the words of a story arising as the mind. If there is interest in the story the attention then continues to fuel it and this leads to its continuation in time. The attention… Continue reading The claiming

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I am Awareness

I am awareness, in myself I am nothing, the absolute absence, and yet I am the creator of all that appears. I presently am creating this body/mind and this play of manifestation in each and every moment. This is my dream of life. You who imagine yourself to be separate from me are aware of… Continue reading I am Awareness

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If you attack a disease you are an aggressor, you then are an accomplice in what is the very energy that is creating the disease. Loving the disease is the answer to healing because the dis-ease is an information which has come from the source and got a bit lost, forgetting its way home. In… Continue reading Healing

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THIS, the Source

From where do thoughts arise? if the Source of thoughts is known, intuitively understood, the seeking ends. The activity that is refered to as thought or feeling appears out of and within non-action and is witnessed by this non-action. This non-action is their Source. Regardless of what the content of this that we call mind… Continue reading THIS, the Source

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Mass enlightenment

There is much talk at present about mass awakening, enlightenment, which previously appears to have been quite rare, becoming the norm. It may be that this will, or even is, taking place but prior to its taking place at the so called individual level there are a lot of assumptions as to what this would… Continue reading Mass enlightenment

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Seeing and understanding

What has been seen appearing recently is a lot of emails and various other things on the internet in argument with what is thought to be the message of Advaita. It is however very clear that these arguments are NOT coming from the SEEING of what the advaitic message actually is but what it is… Continue reading Seeing and understanding

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No Separation

We live in a society that holds as its main belief the concept of separation, the idea that you and I are separate from one another. This idea has carried with it a price that has cost us a lot and will cost us everything if it continues, the death of the human race. The… Continue reading No Separation

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The seeking

As spiritual seekers we are seeking because there is a sense of something lacking in the body/mind experience. It is this sense of lack that gives rise to the seeking that takes place, the action of seeking is not in any way personal. In this there is no actual seeker as such but simply the… Continue reading The seeking

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There is a desire that arises in the human form which is stronger than all other desires, of which all other desires are but a watered down version. This desire is the desire to be desire-less, to be utterly absent of the arising energy that is experienced as desire. As a young child we were… Continue reading Desire

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