Finally an update about this body.
I am doing OK and definitely recovering and so providing I do not die of old age, it happens, I will be back on track next year.
I continue every day with the original choice of healing for this form and each day spend time researching and adding to what is already taking place what intuitively appeals.
I am probably by now on a 20% cooked and 80% raw organic food diet which is now beginning to show its affects on the immune system.
Many friends have asked by email and phone to visit but the answer to this request depends very much on the day as I have good days and bad ones and on a bad day you would more or less be trying to communicate with a vegetable LOL
Other symptoms have shown up in the healing process, such as melanoma on the face, and so the body does not look its best, having also lost a lot of weight and is still very weak.
A number of friends have asked why I do not keep up with this update regularly and the answer is that nothing is regular at present. To be able to type on the key board sometimes is a no go area both physically and mentally.
All I can say for sure is that slowly slowly the body is recovering and getting healthy again. I doubt very much that I will be doing any sharing before next year.
I have managed in the last two days to get out for a walk down to the waters edge, which is only about 60 metres away, and after a long rest get back to the apartment under my own steam. Previously if I managed a walk on the terrace holding onto the railings it was an achievement.
I do NOT keep in touch with any hospitals or any doctors and trust my own intuition on how the healing is going, clearly the cancer is still present to some degree but nowhere near to the degree it was a couple of months ago.
Again I really want to thank those of you who have given, and still do give, donations to help us out with the costs of being able to buy what has been needed for this healing to take place as well as it has done.
It has all been a very interesting ride but I do not think I will be repeating it. I still have not got to go fishing yet !!!
Much Love and thanks to all of you who have supported this situation financially and most importantly with love and positive energy in this direction.
A BIG hug Avasa