
La gioia della Vita stessa risiede nella sorprese, cosa sarebbe infatti la Vita se uno conoscesse tutto il suo futuro prima che esso accadesse? Varrebbe la pena vivere?

Ogni cosa che accade a noi succede e basta, non può esser fatta accadere e non può non essere fatta accadere, è solo lì in attesa.

C’è l’illusione che ci sia un qualcuno che sia in controllo della vita e che questo immaginario qualcuno possa decidere su quel che deve accadere e quello che non deve accadere. Se questo fosse vero non ci sarebbe sofferenza, e invece c’è.

Fino a che è presente questa idea, che ci sia un qualcuno che possa cambiare ciò che avviene, ci sarà sofferenza.

Quando questo concetto cade, anche la sofferenza se ne va, dato che il qualcuno che faceva resistenza non e’ piu’ presente.

Quando accade un lasciare andare, colui il volere di colui che si immagina di essere separato si arrende al volere del Divino, dato che si vede che quel qualcuno di separato in realtà non esiste.

Ogni dettaglio di tutte le circostanze che sembrano comporre la propria apparente vita personale non e’ affatto personale. La Vita accade senza il consenso di colui che si immagina di essere una persona.

La Vita semplicemente accade.


Categorie: Saggi

65 commenti

    1. Action arises in the non-action, Emptiness, and is witnessed by the same.
      The action comes and goes out of and into the witnessing Emptiness.
      When attention is on its empty source it is obvious, “I” is the source.
      “I” is the witness in all forms and form itself.
      With Love Avasa

  1. It is possile that it happens what it can happens because one has not understood the dynamic of the facts. I dont mean that whatever can happen but that one does not understand the potential of what can happen, the how and when… If we eliminate the subject drastically as Avasa suggests, giving to it the blame to be a somebody or something, it would remain this doubt…

      There is no one making anything happen, even the idea that there is someone making things happen is HAPPENING.
      There is no subjective object named “ME” doing anything. Everything is happening as a play of energy that appears as the universal play.
      By allowing the arising question to formulate itself clearly and then asking again, the reply will be much clearer.” Avasa

  2. Thank your translation but… One moment! 🙂 That everything is happening depends from our dualistic perception! The memory functions through dual associations that allow us to experiment what is, as it was a temporal and spacial phenomena when it is done, immanent; therefore,what it seems to happen it has also been and it will be as a good Sallustio said… But, done this premise, it must be seen if what it IS has a further dependency from something that made it such, a CAUSE… Coming back instead to the subject of Avasa’s post when it is spoken about the passage from relative to the absolute, this passage implies the elimination of the relative subject (not of the absolute cause)… The elimination of the subject can happen only when the subject is not adeherent to the cause, to what is real… But in this case we should separate the dependency of the relative from the absolute of the form from the essence and it seems difficult to me… The law that exists in the One must for sure exists in all the other aspects, so the relative should take consciousness to be such belonging to something bigger, of hypotetcally absolute, but not to be absent or equal to nothing able to do something… I hope i have been clear.

    1. “Thank your translation but… One moment! 🙂 that everything is happening depends from our dualistic perception!”
      REPLY……. Is it actually happening in dualistic perception? The idea that anything is happening in dualistic perception is itself just HAPPENING. It is activity arisng as the mind.

      “The memory functions through dual associations that allow us to experiment what is”,
      REPLY……. When something is experienced it is not memory in that immediate moment.

      “as it was a temporal and spacial phenomena when it is done, immanent; therefore,what it seems to happen it has also been and it will be as a good Sallustio said… But, done this premise, it must be seen if what it IS has a further dependecy from something that made it such, a CAUSE…”
      REPLY,…… The cause is what witnesses it in the immediacy of that moment the seer and the seen are actually one NOT dual as initially it seems. The so called cause is permanently present as the one that witnesses its own activity appearing as experience, The concept of cause and effect is an illusory concept when duality seems to be the case.

      “Coming back instead to the subject of Avasa’s post when it is spoken about the passage from relative to the absolute, this passage implies the elimination of the relative subject (not of the absolute cause),,”
      REPLY……. There is no relative and absolute, it is all absolute. The imagined relative subject cannot be eliminated as it does not exist in order to be eliminated, it is just an idea. The nothing IS the everything, they are not two.

      “.. The elimination of the subject can happen only when the subject is not adeherent to the cause, to what is real…”
      REPLY…….The subject does not exist except as an idea. What is real is what never changes, the experience that is happening cannot be real because it is impermanent but what it is happening IN is real and it is this that witnesses what is happening WITHIN itself.

      “But in this case we should separate the dependency of the relative from the absolute of the form from the essence”
      REPLY…….. You cannot separate what is essentially not two so I can understand that this is difficult and it seems difficult to me… LOL

      “The law that exists in the One must for sure exists in all the other aspects,”
      REPLY…….. which it does because it is all One.

      “so the relative should take conscisouness to be such belonging to something bigger,”
      REPLY……. BIGGER than what?
      There is nothing bigger than the seeing that all is One!

      YOU witness what takes place as the experience of Life YOU are the source of the happenings You are nothing. Your body and mind are seen by you as your own activities manifesting, You are the non active stillness that witnesses when they arise. Avasa

  3. Let’s make something clear, you study how things work by observing the mechanism from different points of view, from many angles, finding causes, consequences and hopefully finally, valid laws.

    Now, let’s start by saying that the instrument by which we make our logic and analysis-induced itself involved in a game that starts in a sense with the wrong foot, let’s see if we can go then somewhere in these conditions.

    Or we find an alternative mean that lead us from the other side, in the evolutionary sense, we could say that this is a being “better” than what we are, lowering the suffering in a sense, or we determine that there is another part where to go and who we are then at the top of evolution.

    If we were at peak of evolution we would know all the laws of the universe in which we are, and we would experience the cause without those filters that a low level of consciousness would.

    Then, not seeing that there is an alternative mean to the knowledge of the universe as the one of scientific observation, but that we remain rather on mysticism level that is just content to be in the game or worse, of not being, it would that not bring to understand if we have the knowledge of the laws that are governing the cosmos.

    You could then argue that this knowledge did not serve to finish the journey, but you would be wrong, by virtue of that unity that so much you write about, the unity that gave birth to the laws and it is laws itself, say to know itself and not knowing the laws would mean to say that you know for half, and this is the sore spot where everything always falls within the advaita. Maybe it is not your case Avasa, i don’t know.

    This is to say, perhaps, although the movie projected at the cinema or the books we’re reading tell us something that is “fiction”, this pretence has the power to leave in us something that could go well beyond the fact that it is a “fiction”

    It is important to clarify this, otherwise the discussions remain one-way, we couldn’t talk about anything constructively, we cannot speak of Robin Williams movie with a friend of ours and what happens in the film itself then stopping every second and reminding him “it is fiction, not really happened” …. don’t you think?

    I find it pretty obvious, maybe we can talk about in detail, because I see that it always points the finger at this statement, Tell me if I’m wrong.

    1. The more words that are brought into play to arrive at this that is indescribable the greater the possibility of hiding what we are trying to see more clearly.
      Truth is either SEEN, not understood, or it is not.
      When SEEN it requires no description nor is there the necessity for it to be understood.
      So I have one question for you, a very simple question.
      Do you SEE this that is the only thing in Life’s experience that never changes.
      If the answer is simply yes then what use or need is there for words.
      The reply is a yes or a no.
      With Love Avasa

  4. REPLY FROM AVASA: There is no relative and absolute, it is all absolute. The imagined relative subject cannot be eliminated as it does not exist in order to be eliminated, it is just an idea. The nothing IS the everything, they are not two.

    The comparison is soon done with all similar systems such as the body, or the Universe, you would never say that the Milky Way Galaxy is a universe or a meteorite, if not from the point of view of a small item that comprises it or a large item in the composition of which is itself, but we’d say is composed of stars which can cause a planetary systems and where you can find meteorites. The Milky Way is part of a Galaxy system like a biological cell of a larger system, but there we would never call a cell of the human body, a heart, a liver or a gallbladder, these are clusters of cells, and if we, as human beings, human spirits are a conglomeration of consciences, this collection of qualities ranging beyond the quantitative agglomeration and expand such QUALITATIVE absoluties, are the absolute in itself, not reachable from the relative if not in the sphere of microcosm that competes it.

    then, that nothing is everything isn’t even debatable unless you demonstrate before the existence of nothingness

    1. You cannot hold a conversation about nothing to demonstrate its existence.
      It is either seen or it is not and if not what kind of conversation would it be, it would based on assumptions and not on direct experience.
      It would be like trying to explain the taste of strawberry jam to one who has never tasted it.
      You will not find the answer that is the Truth by mental gymnastics, it cannot be concluded by the mind.
      As long as one relies on the play of the mind to arrive at the Truth it will never be seen. Avasa

  5. AVASA REPLY “The subject does not exist except as an idea. What is real is what never changes, the experience that is happening cannot be real because it is impermanent but what it is happening IN is real and it is this that witnesses what is happening WITHIN itself”.

    As I said before, with the comparison of the film or the book, we cannot say that the Viewer is the gist of the story, without him could not exist the sense of history, but it’s different from saying that he might be the center of the story, otherwise we won’t go to the movies, read books, but we would be at home to make like still stones by capturing the meaning of everything without even moving

    AVASA REPLY: “bigger than that? There is nothing greater that you see that everything is ONE! ”

    It is what I said in fact

    AVASA REPLY: “you are nothing.”

    speaks for you my dear!

    1. I have no wish to play mind games with one who is busy holding an image of being intelligent
      Either the Truth is seen or it is not and in your case it is not although you portray the image to others that you know.
      What are you trying to prove and to whom? Avasa

  6. “Honestly it seems to me to have reasoned openly with you two Shakti, but as you see there is the arriving to say that I do mental games or to establish what I know or what I dont know, of this i am very sorry”

    1. Let me be honest with you
      I intuit that you have at some time seen what I am talking about, of this there is no question.
      It is no longer your present experience and because the desire to be in the seeing of this again is present the mind is trying to recall this to once again become a present moment experience. This is perfectly normal.
      One has to be careful or the realisation of this, as memory, will go into the service of the ego and become something that one identifies with as being what one is and this will prevent what is desired from again being true.
      What was true of you in that period is true of you now, relating to it as memory keeps it out of the moment in a sense.
      You are the SAME nothingness that reads these words that they are expressed out of here, we are not two so why approach me as if I am other than you? if this is what continues you will not see what you are telling yourself because you will be holding me seperate from you as another, you therefore will be creating duality as your experience. There is suffering in such activity and it is not being suffered here. I am you I is the same in us both.
      You literally create me within your dream of Life to tell yourself something which you know but have not fully acknowledged consciously.
      There is no wish here to be better or less than you because it is seen that we are the same one, the desire here is that you again see as you did when you realised this because that is the desire that is arising there.
      With Love Avasa

  7. Hi Alberto! Dont reply to me but to Avasa. I am in agreement with what he wrote and it is my same experience and feeling when I read you that there is an interest in intellectualizing. It is not personal, and it is not something to be sorry about. It is just what happens.

  8. I dont think he wants to reply to what I wrote, and I am not sure he understood my words, the exemple of the cinema or the book seems simple to me, but i did not receive any reply, the other considerations about seeing or less the Truth I will them aside because this is not the matter of the discussion, the core of the discussion is the existence of the only absolute ( for avasa) and the relative and absolute ( for me). I stress that the absolute cannot exist without the relative, the nothing does not exist as being nothing and i confirm the importance of what is fictictious if this gives understanding and meaning. So how can one point the finger on the fiction of a movie and put aside the menaing of the story only because it is a movie! It means to elevate all the watcher of the movie or the reader of the book to a superior grade to the story that is watched or read and why? No reply has been given to me, but it is always said that this does not change, this change… It would be useful to remind the second law of Lavoiser, great intuition, but I have the impression that there is no listening, we just risk to waste time, good morning

    1. Alberto
      Whether or not you realise it your real question was the one that I posed to you and this IS the ACTUAL matter of discussion but it is clear that you are incapable of a simple YES or NO. You are in love with your own mind stuff and giving an image of yourself as being someone who KNOWS.
      In order to have a true discussion we need to start from common ground and if we see this common ground then the discussion will not even be necessary.
      I am quite sure that anyone who has followed this thread will see that your questions are to enhance your own image of yourself and are not with the intention of sharing anything that is beneficial to anyone else or even yourself.
      It is your own time that you are wasting, the mind will not lead you to the answer.
      Let Life unfold
      Love Avasa

  9. I bring up this piece, not mine, that just ended up under my eyes now, but I hope can help to make understand
    “my discourse is to exalt logic, not just as a pre- requisite for a scientific talk, but as a way to walk through the way of spirit, for the ones that dont feel the spirit so true with no further validation included,because the true faith do not fear the test of logic.
    the logic therefore, at service of spirit, as to say the the mind at service of the sentiment. mirable association, that completes in the mutual integration two attributes that in themselves could be an aberration. Infact the cold reasoning can lead to cruelty, and the uncontrolled sentiment can become alienating and fruitless. The right dosage of both gives that good way that is a blessing to humanity, because when it is there protects the man from the blindness of excesses… The Reality in its essence is unreachable. This does not mean that man should not bring his attention and consider as true and existing only what he percives and what is perceving, but should give to it its right dimension.
    This is, at the end, the right philosophical meaning of the special and general meaning of the relativity”

    1. Alberto you are funny.
      In English there is a word that describes the way some people use words,,,,,,, Waffle!
      You say ……”The Reality in its essence is unreachable.”…….
      Reality IS the essence and because of the very fact that it is reality It is omnipresent and therefore always everywhere. It
      is both unreachable and reachable in the same instance because it is the one that is doing the reaching by NOT reaching.
      You are waffling.
      So still the question remains the same……. do you see the Truth, this that is real, or not?
      It is a one word answer, a simple YES or NO answer.
      LOL Avasa

  10. If we would express ourselves in music and silence we could hear the unity that underlines all these talking. The fact that we are a harmony made of many notes. The will to explain the unexplainable is a dominance that divides. Blessings on all of you and thank you, Luca

    1. Hi Luca
      What Is important in music is not the notes but the space between them, what we may call the timing. If the timing is wrong the harmonics are dis-harmonic.
      Silence is where we meet and the imagined two dissolve.
      When the words are expressed by the silence consciously then they carry the ability to unite what seems separate.
      The desire for such words to be expressed come from the desire in the one who receives them NOT the one by whom they are expressed.
      Silence has no need of ANY expression be it words OR music.
      Love Avasa

  11. The desire for such words to be expressed comes from the desires of the one that receives them, not from the one out of which they are expressed. As empty cimbals we resonate at the right time. Dont give me an instant more, otherwise I would change the words. It is here that I wanna pluck you my flower, at the limit of the shadow, where the words bath. An heartfelt thank you.

    1. Our deepest desire is the desire to be desireless, empty.
      All other desires which are for “things” stem from this and the inability to see that this is the deepest desire.
      When we obtain a desired object we are for a short while free of desire and are again in contact with our homeground, emptiness.
      The belief that has been handed down to us, that we obtain happiness from attaining “things”, however is a very strong conditioning and so in a short while the mind again begins its habit of seeking and again we are focused on what we imagine will give us what only the remaining attentive to Emptiness can give.
      This game begins to come to an end when it is realised that our true desire is to be desireless.
      What appears as imagined personal action is not dependant upon desire, the actions are impersonal and continue when desire falls away in the seeing that one is and has everything.
      Love Avasa

  12. A flower ? Does’nt talk.
    It’s a world secretly hidden
    in the deepest of a heart.

    We are always. In the same
    time we know always.
    It’s simple.

    Trow away the names,
    you don’t need that.

    And listen the sound
    behind your name.

    1. Let it jump, it does not interfere with what is permanently present.
      Any effort to meditate comes from the intention of the animal to do the meditation
      Meditation HAPPENS when the animal gets tired of trying. Avasa

  13. :-)))) I smile and kindly ask to Avasa… in all this the ineluctable realization to be nothing bu Love where is???… in the deep investigation of the emptiness the sense of all which is??? I believe to be much more than the emptiness, the being, finds its own existential reason in love… the emptiness is the consequence… love with no expectation..”

    1. In Emptiness neither one’s self or the other exists
      Where there is no other there is Love.
      Where there is the other there is fear.
      When you see that all is Emptiness manifesting all is Love.
      Love Avasa

  14. mmm… infact exactly about Love I was talking about. the only thing that is not clear to me is fear… where is it coming from? mmmh no bounderies… no separation… .no delimitations….everithing is one…and love is everything….fear exist only as absence of light..

    1. Yes exactly we could say that Love is a radiance that if left to its own devices shines to infinity
      When some circumstance causes it to collapse upon itself it becomes fear
      The circumstance that would cause this collapse, or contraction, would be a refusal of Love itself to see itself in all things, in that particular moment in the particular circumstance that is happening then.
      It is as if the Source which IS Love has deluded itself, self hypnotised itself, into seeing OTHERNESS in what is in actuality One.
      For instance if we have a Christian conditioning we believe that some things are of God and some things are of the devil , when in fact both of these are reflections of our OWN dualistic way of seeing Life.
      Then as a Christian we claim that God is the creator of all things !?……. it begs the question where the devil came from then, surely.
      So in this way there is the dualistic way of seeing where there is love AND fear which are in actuality BOTH the same one thing,
      Love (of course LOL) Avasa

  15. Thank you Avasa. I am not able to find as true in myself only one observation of Avasa, The fact that believing that being able to find happiness through things is something that can be passed over. Partially is true, but i remember that as a child I was desidering things spontanously and they were giving me a huge happiness when I was eventually possessing them. I was “happy”… complitly satisfied and with the mind completly drenched in that “thing”, and that desire did not seem to be taught to me. Maybe it was only afterwards reinforced the idea that Happiness was coming from possession, but it seems to me that it was started just by (my) mind alone. Now nothing seems to satisfy me in that way and it seems to me to have lost that capacity. As a child through the contact and relationship with things, I was expressing an inbuilt Happiness, I had it, I was it, and things were helping me to express it, to “affirm” it with action an movement. A big hug

    1. When one is very young the conditioning to believe that joy comes from things begins, prior to that things are what are appearing within the enjoyment of being alive and we do not attribute them to being a result of our joy. This is what you actually are remembering. The things at this time were expressions of the joy and there wa sno sense of a “ME” and “THEM” this is the play of Oneness. No experiencer and thing experienced …….. just experiencing happening.
      What happens at some point is that we are told that there is greater happiness to be had when we attain something and in that immediate moment that we believe this we are no longer enjoying for the joy of living but delay that joy for a moment in the future when we receive the object.
      We wait, no longer experiencing our original joy , for a moment when the object arrives and when it does that desire that has been waiting for that period falls away and what we experience is THE VERY SAME JOY that was there before we bought into the belief.
      We experience again what we already were in prior to the waiting period because the desire for something in a future moment is not present.
      However, now the mind has this new blueprint which will be reinforced by those around us and the way that they live, waiting for a future event to give them temporarily what is ALWAYS present.
      Enjoy Avasa

  16. Even before finishing to read this post I was looking at Desire on (your website). I still believe to be separated…but it seems to me that more and more sincronies are manifesting that are connecting all of us each other. As strings of an incredible but real energy. Again a movement of gratefullness. Bye Vivek

    1. Can you not see that all these exchanges between those who are sharing here are all your own realisation being consciously manifest as apparent others questions and answers etc
      This is in fact what you are beginning to SEE. The synchronicity and the coincidences.
      It is all One , it is ALL your Self.

    1. Love is always the background upon which things have their existence
      When the “ME” has dissolved and one is this background. and therefore all that it contains. there is no one to love or anyone to do the loving. Then Love is true, it is all the play of Love.
      The love that is desire is the desire to again return to this Love that is all One.

  17. yes but… if i stay with the desire, without drinking for three days… the biggest desire of my life it will be the one of drinking water. If I did not have that desire, I would not activate myself to try desperatly to find it, that means that after few more day i would die dehydrated. As well as I find myself underwater… with a foot stuck that does not allow me to come up on the surface… and in that moment… the biggest desire it will be the one of breathing air. So withou desires, it would mean… not being alive. Do I make some mistake? Francesco

    1. No you are not mistaken but I see that you do not see clearly the physiological desire and the psychological desire.
      The body itself gives rise to desire but these are not coming from the concept of someone desiring whereas psychological desires have within them the appearance a “ME” that desires for the reasons I mentioned earlier. Bodily desires are cellular with the desire for the continuation of the form and these desires are not problematic.
      The “ME” is utterly false and as long as this concept is present in consciousness there will be the seeking for desirelessness, when the “ME” falls away desires are simply actions arising, they are impersonal and very different ones from those that arise whilst the “ME” concept is present.
      Desirelessness is our homeground which we access in moments of deep sleep, unheralded meditation, having been impacted by an expression of beauty or after very good sex etc. We are temporarily saturated with it then because desire is no longer present and so what we experience is its absence which is all fullfilling because it lacks nothing.

  18. “Bodily desires are cellular with the desire for the continuation of the form and these desires are not problematic.”

    But the desire of continuation of the form must be based on some identification with the form itself. otherwise which would be the purpose to continue it?

    1. ask anyone who breeds pigs
      they will tell you that if they feed the sire well he loses interest in fucking
      if you starve him for a few days he will fuck every sow he sees
      its a biological thing
      The desire for continuation of the form comes from the many entities that make up the form
      what is actually meant when I AM HUNGRY comes out of the mouth? it means that a whole load of cells have done their job and are wanting more work to do
      If you are Italian it will be difficult to understand this one LOL
      There is nothing personal when the body is hungry, the body itself is hungry not an imaginary “ME”

  19. Thanking in the meantime Avasa, I ask: The desìre of a continuation for the form comes from the many entities that compose that form”… so are the entities that ” believe to exists”? In other words, the cells defend themselevs in all ways for not to die, the body gives sign of alarm (pain) very unpleasant, at times, for not kept alive. Ther must be some “idea to be just that thing” (unconscious, deep, universal) from Conscisouness side, when it is born through the form of this thing, to create such alarmism for a loss that would be just the translaformation for a form-energy into another. Excuse me if I insist, maybe because I am Italian, the idea of such a defense just to work a bit more is understandable to me LOL

    1. each individual entity is programmed characteristically to function in a particular way and when the circumstances do not allow for this it gives off a sort of alarm, not because it is aware of what is happening to the whole body but because it itself cannot do what it is characteristically designed to do.
      The alarm is registered as pain etc as you state none of which is personal, simply the function of the many entities to express in this way.
      Manifest Life is the desire of Emptiness for in this appearance it can know itself
      Our deepest and therefore initial desire is to know what we are and when that is known the next desire is that all animate beings know This is the desire of Love.

  20. In short, the instint of surviving is inside nature, from where it comes from? I imagine come from an ignorance of Consciousness.

    1. each individual entity is programmed characteristically to function in a particular way and when the circumstances do not allow for this it gives off a sort of alarm, not because it is aware of what is happening to the whole body but because it itself cannot do what it is characteristically designed to do.
      The alarm is registered as pain etc as you state none of which is personal, simply the function of the many entities to express in this way.
      Manifest Life is the desire of Emptiness for in this appearance it can know itself
      Our deepest and therefore initial desire is to know what we are and when that is known the next desire is that all animate beings know This is the desire of Love.

  21. “Let it jump, it does not interfere with what is permanently present.
    Any effort to meditate comes from the intention of the animal to do the meditation
    Meditation HAPPENS when the animal gets tired of trying.” Avasa

    Very beautiful!!! Spontaneity is a grace appaently and when it simply happens there is intensity!!! But ‘buddy’ ( he uses a dialect expression) before Avasa this has been said by tons of mystics ‘buddy”!!!!

  22. ahahahahh wonderful Avasa replying me in real time!! It is true I agree we are all raptured every now and then from that Truth that was animating all the mystics of all time. Actually we are all Avasa, Nisargadatta, Jesus, Balsekar etc it the continuity that- as far as concern me- swindles me!!! I imagine that is part of the game… Up and down… Many little kisses!!!

    1. All the names that you mention are just names of Hi Fi speakers
      What speaks through them is YOU, the silence explaining to yourself what you have hidden from yourself so you can play the game of hid n seek AND waking up. LOL

  23. One master of the relationship that experience with any animal; the animal is the product of meditation but wants to be the subject to it. For this becomes the subject of it.

    Repharsing it….

    Damn, I risk to ruin a nice phrase…. ” One master of relationship”… as it is no possible to demonstrate that there are other. The relantionshio for me is the fondament of existence, seen that “exists” an existence there is the supposition that “there is” an “unique” subject and a plurality of objects (the knowledge)… Possibly subject and object are just the reflection of the relantionship (some effects, but should be said…). As a object imagine a subject (animal) then the subject relates through that animal.
    The meditation (relantionship) is the fundament, the suject is the expression of the relantionship in space and time the animal is the space and time but can be also the expression of space and tme (becoming subject).
    If I did a mess, sorry, my reasonaning is often funny…

    1. no problem I arrived at this stuff by having funny reasoning
      When deep sleep is happening nothing happens, it is the total absence of happening , it is a non-happening
      Yet out of deep sleep, where the object AND the subject are no longer, the world (object) appears
      Clearly the subject of what is then an object must be what remains in deep sleepbut is not aware of itself.
      Deep sleep is awareness alone and but because it is absent of object in deep sleep it cannot even be aware of itself.
      The first action that arises out of deep sleep is the AUM , the sense of existing, the I AMNESS. this is the first object and in making its appearance the awareness is then able to be aware of itself.
      As the initial vibration , the Aum , vibrates above and below itself the Awareness itself trying to qualify itself as something identifies with the objective appearance and loses sight of itself
      In some cases this awareness becomes aware of itself during the manifest appearance and recognises itself directly as the witnessing source of what appears, this enlightenment. Awareness then needs no object in order to know itself as it now knows itself directly.

    1. When one first becomes aware of it yes it is as you describe, if the attention remains on it then it becomes more clear that it is in fact the SOUND of silence and NOT the silence itself.
      This buzz is the first vibration that arises from the stillness of the true silence, this is the Aum and all other vibrations that appear as our experience of Life are variations of this initial vibration that then vibrates above and below itself to appear as all that the senses experience. It is all One.
      With Love avasa

    1. Yes exactly it SEEMS to be external because that there is the idea that there is an inside that is separate from an imagined outside.
      Yet , as you say, also inside of you.
      In fact it IS inside of you because in Truth you are the Whole and all that is experienced is being experienced INSIDE of you, you yourself are the non-experience within which everything is happening. Avasa

  24. For sure I am aware of it, so it comes from Consciousness – Silence. What does this wanna say to me? That I am that sound?

    1. No! that you are THIS silence that hears the sound that it is creating
      The sound is like an index finger pointing to the silence
      Object to subject.
      The object can and does disappear but the silence NEVER:
      You are eternal

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