Between my finger and my thumb

“Every sentence is pure freedom and we are called to allow that freedom to enter in our lives. The spaces between the lines in the essays are an invitation for the reader to realize the truth that is behind each paragraph. The conclusion is not at the end but in every understanding that arise during… Continue reading Between my finger and my thumb

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Retreat & Fun

When the Divine recognizes to be what is living through all human forms and this is shared verbally or otherwise then celebration happens naturally. During retreats there are moments of spontaneous laughter, shared silence, deep insight and emotional connection with everybody and everything. But most of all a true friendship is lived in a very… Continue reading Retreat & Fun

Categorized as Photos

Ordinary Life

Awakening is not a spiritual thing. It is lived in everyday Life in the wonder and fun to see that all there is it’s just One Action unfolding. [slideshow gallery_id=”4″]

Categorized as Photos

The desire to let go

If “i” cannot do anything but live spontanously, knwing that this will bring to bad consequences to my life, is anyway “right” doing it? Or is this just another trick of the mind to obtain what it wants?One could say that what is waiting for me is an unhappy destiny as much as the life… Continue reading The desire to let go

Categorized as Q & A

I hope you die soon!

I am still bottled up in the ego, this i can recognize. I cannot stop (and also there, who would stop to do what?… lets dro it immediatly). I know I am not the bdy/mind but as you see untill this is not seen it is just a menatl trick. in some particular moment i … Continue reading I hope you die soon!

Categorized as Q & A

All is yourself

I agree what you say, in the sense that I know that what you say is part of your experience and is reale, but as much as I mae an effort, I have no idea of what you really want to say, because the form though which One is manifesting (in order words me) is… Continue reading All is yourself

Categorized as Q & A