
When speaking takes place it is always to you. When hearing takes place that is you too. The I that speaks is the I that hears. That is the fact down all of these years. There is no one else, there was no one there, No one is here with no one to share And… Continue reading Always

Categorized as Message, Poems


There is no answer to the question why but to say that it is because that is the way it is. The game of the question WHY and the given answer goes on and on endlessly repeating itself and each reply gives rise to another WHY?, this is a play of the mind to keep… Continue reading Why

Categorized as Q & A

The master

Q: Why words of some masters differ the one from the others or even contradict themselves in certain cases? A: The word MASTER is not always used in the correct context. When you really begin to see clearly the truth of yourself many of these spiritual heroes fall away. Many of them have had a… Continue reading The master

Categorized as Q & A


Q: Is it useful the meditation to wake up to what one is? A: Meditation is neither useless nor helpful in knowing what you are, if it is happening then it is happening, just that. It serves no purpose towards the realization of what you are but it may quieten the mind. It is not… Continue reading Meditation

Categorized as Q & A

When the body dies you will be as you are right now minus a body/mind

QUESTION If it is true that we are just awareness that recognizes itself through a body and therefore there is nobody, why even for you awakened people the pain remain a personal thing? Should not the self recognized awareness in the awakened body perceive any emotional and physical vibe present in these bodies as if… Continue reading When the body dies you will be as you are right now minus a body/mind

Categorized as Q & A

Fear of death

QUESTION I would like to ask you why I do have fear of dying and the staying eternally in the nothingness as when one does sleep. It makes me afraid. REPLY If your attention was rested on what you truly are and not on what you have been led to believe that you are, which… Continue reading Fear of death

Categorized as Q & A

A leap into the Void

You often say STAY WITH THE SENSATION. Staying with it, living it, instead of avoiding it even it is unpleasant. Staying with the sensation does not risk to bring you to identify with it? Identifying with it means to go from bad to worse… in other words from identifying with the body to the identifycation… Continue reading A leap into the Void

Categorized as Q & A

Love never insists

There is’nt anything you can do, you cannot go against this awakening and you cannot accelerate it. Questions arise because  somewhere on the intuitive level the mind knows that something is happening of which it itself is not in control. The mind cannot ever produce silence, the mind is product of silence and therefore cannot… Continue reading Love never insists

Categorized as Essays

The key to acceptance

Dear Avasa, to accept this moment as it is including the ego, screams and cries, and all that is, what has to do with the bringing of the attention on yourself? There is no one that can accept the moment but acceptance of the moment can happen. When it takes place it does so because… Continue reading The key to acceptance

Categorized as Q & A

Hopeless and helpless

“Also when the imaginary you feels to be hopeless and helpless there is just helplessness and hopelessness that is happening” Avasa This is what happens, right here, right now, that a me claims for a child that “thinks” to be.,, it is many, too many years that i dont find peace in this reasoning… Then… Continue reading Hopeless and helpless

Categorized as Q & A